Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Need help with fractions?

Dear class,

Fractions has always been a difficult concept to grasp for many pupils. Unfortunately, I do not have time in class to go through fractions with you because there are many new things we need to cover for P6. What I can do to help you is to provide you with resources for you to do your own independent learning. I would love to guide you in your learning however it is equally important that you learn to learn on your own and be independent learners. (I will always be there for you if you ever need help, so do feel free to come to me with your questions)

Below are two websites on fractions, if you are very weak in fractions, I suggest you go through the websites.

1. Visual fractions - an online tutorial
2. Fractions Main Page

Happy Learning,

Trip to Raffles Museum

Once again, we are going off for our next Science trip.
This time round, we are going to the Raffles museum to learn more about adapations of birds.

Things to take note:

1. You will be leaving your school bag in school however you will need to bring along your writing
writings hence you might want to bring a small bag along with you for the trip.

2. I have been very pleased with your behavior so far during the outings we have gone for. This time round, my expectations are the same. You must be on your BEST behavior at ALL times.

3. You will be let off for lunch tomorrow at 1215 and you will need to assemble outside the general office by 1245 pm sharp.

4. We will be reaching school around 515-530.

Lastly, I am sure you will have a fruitful trip.

PS: You will need to do a reflection after the trip just like what you did for the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Fun games for lower primary

Dear pupils,

If you have younger siblings from age 5 - 8, I think they will love this site. It is full of fun maths games.

Just to name a few:
For those crazy about soccer, you will love this one ... soccer subtraction

For those who like arcade type of spaceship shooting game .... flight for fuel

Oh.. and an egyptian theme game featuring a very funky dancing mummy, you have to get the question right to see it dance.... the funky mummy

PS: Do note these games are really too easy for you but they are great for your younger brothers and sisters.


Monday, 26 February 2007

Think about this

1. Think of a number from 1 to 10.
2. Multiply by 9.
3. If your result is a two-digit number, add the two digits together.
4. Subtract 5
5. You will always get 4.

If you think you know why, leave a comment and your name behind.
Dear pupils,

A minority of you have not been respecting the rules of the blog. You are posting comments that are disrespectful to others as well as yourself. As mentioned many times before, you must understand that the blog sphere is a public place in which you are responsible for what you write and say. Just because you can made anonymous comments do not make you less guilty. For your information, there are blogsites which allow the author to log on to your IP address so you can never hide.


Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Science Experiential Learning Excursions

Dear Pupils,

We will soon be going for another Science trip to the Raffles Museum. Since I don't make you keep a science journal, I would like you to take some time out to post a comment on this post with regards to the last science trip "Rainforest Walk".

Tell me if you enjoyed the outing and one interesting thing you learnt on the trip.


PS: Remember .. same rules apply .. respect others and yourself

Did you know?

Read the news article below:

Did you know that worrying about how you will do in the math test will affect your performance in the test? .... so the next time you are taking a Math test, stop thinking about how many marks you will get instead concentrate on solving the problems correctly.


Impact on the Environment

Dear 6E,

Below are some interesting weblinks related to the science topic of "Impact on the Environment". Use the websites wisely to help you in your revision for the test next week. The study of Science is more than just memorising of facts.

Materials Challenge :
lots of information on acid rain, global warming and ways to protect the
cartoon illustrated site on acid rain, global warming
The title of this video is “melt – a teenager’s view to global warming. Highly interesting and very relevant to this chapter on Impact on the Environment.
Animated acid rain clip

Watch the video clip 'melt' and I want you to leave a comment on this post on your thoughts about the video and how you can play a part to save the environment.

Try to have fun revising.

Friday, 9 February 2007

For 6E

Do remember to bring your Maths file on Monday for checking.

I have also decided to list down the things to take note for the SDC trip.

Things to bring: Money
Writing Materials

Things to take note: Be in your school uniform and be put on your best behaviour.

To find out more about SDC, you can visit the following website:

Enjoy your weekend!

Homework for the weekend (P6F)

Do remember your Maths file on Monday!


Interesting websites

Dear pupils,

As promised, below are some links to interesting maths websites (some of which we have explored in class). Hope you have fun exploring the activities and games online. I have also included links to websites to help you in your Young Scientist Cards and social studies HW.

A very useful website with interesting maths activities

BBC schools website full of educational & fun resources

For those sudoku fans.. now you can play it online

For help with Young Scientists Card

For help with Social Studies HW

Have fun online

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Reminder for 6F

Note: Bring Maths file for filing, if you have not done so.


Homework for 6E

English:Homework book unit 2 except for situational
Math: Textbook pg 76,77 and 78.


Wednesday, 7 February 2007

The beginning

Dear pupils from 6E and 6F,

Welcome to my blog. I hope you will enjoy reading and using this blog as much as I enjoy having it. As your Mathematics & Science teacher, I hope this blog will be an useful resource for your learning.

I will be putting up announcements, important assignments and interesting weblinks on my blog so do check it out often.

I am also thinking of having a blog committee (one each for 6E and F) to allow some the access to maintain the blog. If you are interested to be part of the committee, you can apply to me by sending in your application. In your application, you should state your competency in IT, reasons for joining the committee and why you should be in the committee. The closing date is 14 Feb, Wed.

I look forward to your applications. :)
Adios for now....
